Tuesday, June 15, 2010

i have to remind myself

k is a talker.  she chatters all day long and, so i've been told over and over, she speaks very well and very clearly.  she's such a good communicator that i have to remind myself that she is only 2.  do you ever find yourself expecting more of your toddler - more accountability for things, more understanding of things, more obedient, etc - because they seem older than they are?  i do this often.  hence, i have to remind myself. 

little k is still little

i expect her to listen to me and learn from me, but i also have to expect her to be 2.  there is still so much she can't do yet, so many things she can't know yet, so much she can't understand yet. 

i have a feeling when baby b arrives, k will seem even more capable and even older ... my baby is flying away.

1 comment:

Johanna said...

This is the hardest thing about raising kids - expecting that they can do and reason at a higher level than they really can. Maybe in some way that is a good thing - they are being challenged to meet expectations that they will need to meet eventually. But it is hard not to be frustrated when they aren't meeting those expectations now. Let me know when you figure that part out!! I could use some pointers!