Monday, June 14, 2010

toddler traveling

i have been visiting my parents for the last several days while husband has been making the big bucks working in LA.  k loves her grandparents.  because husband and i grew up together, k has both sets of grandparents to see when we visit. 

traveling with small kids is obviously pretty easy.  some things, however, used to be a lot easier.  things like her sleep schedule.  at home, k is down to one nap (sigh) and when we are away from home, forget about it.  once in awhile we'll all get lucky and she'll take a snooze, but generally she's not having it.  and most mornings i feel like i can't win because whether i put her to bed at her normal time, earlier (to compensate for early rising) or later (to hope she can sleep in and catch up a bit) it doesn't seem to matter much.  what time she wakes up, at grandma's house, is sort of a fluke.  it's a little frustrating, to say the least, when she wakes up more than an hour earlier than normal and then add to it the issue of non-napping.  but, i do realize this is just life when traveling with children. 

on the brighter side, k loved going to nursery yesterday at grandma's church.  i walked her to the classroom and she got a little nervous (due to 4 or 5 adults standing at the doorway and 1 screaming toddler) and she gripped my hand with wide, apprehensive eyes.  but as soon as we walked into the room and she saw the teacher, she let go of me, ran with open arms, and hugged her fiercely.  that was all i saw because i snagged that golden opportunity and turned right around, pulling the door behind me.  what a treat!!

we'll be visiting grandmas and grandpas and some cousins for at least one more day - here's to hoping a little sleep gets squeezed in somewhere!

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