Monday, June 28, 2010


so i've been a little M.I.A. lately with this blog - even with my family blog.  i have been in a slump about blogging for whatever reason.

can i make a comeback?  i don't know.  i'm still not sold on the idea of this old blog ... it may get deleted sometime but we'll see.  mostly i wanted to have it as a place where i could talk about what toddler days are like.  i wanted to have a place to vent about the frustrations and tears that come along with it.  i wanted to have a place to record the amazing things my kid(s) do for memory's sake...

so, we'll see.

for now, i'm glad to be back at home with my kiddo.  husband and i took a few days to get away for our anniversary and we were both pretty excited to see little k.  maybe i can get back in the swing of things and do a little blogging about the ins and outs.

thanks for reading, whoever you are!

1 comment:

Johanna said...

I think the idea of having a place where you record what it was like having a toddler (and soon a baby) is a great idea. You will forget all the little things as you get caught up in each new stage of family life and motherhood. And then you will wish you could remember what it was like and how you felt. Keep going!!