Monday, January 24, 2011

i know it's just the age

i feel like i've been saying this a lot right now.   except in the last few days.  we've had a string of great, manageable days with miss k.  anyhow, she definitely is in a stage right now.

k is hard - most of the time she is defiant, bossy, rebellious, pushing boundaries, testing me... call it what you will, she's doing it.  i was talking to a woman the other day who had been to a series of parenting classes when she had grown tired of dealing with her 9 year old who used to be so easy and mellow and who now seemed to be possessed by some sort of body snatcher...

apparently there is this stage that comes around as a toddler, then again at 8 or 9ish, and then again around 13.  kids reach these ages and turn, momentarily, from your sweet, pleasant child into one that is defiant, bossy, rebellious, pushes boundaries, tests you... you get the idea.  really?  at least three times they will do this??? yuck and double yuck!  and while we're at it, triple yuck!!!

but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.  with each of these ages, they gain a bit more independence, they are capable of doing more than they previously were, they are given more privileges than they used to have, of course they are going to push you and test you and see just how far they can go with this new-found-freedom.

so, while it makes perfect sense, it brings some a-ha to the picture and makes it slightly better to deal with and muddle through.  but, while it makes sense, it still continues to be difficult and i find myself asking, "so just how much more of this do i have to experience with k before it comes around again in another few years?"  if i'm lucky, maybe k will go through it at 8-9 at the same time as baby #3 (when there is a baby #3) goes through it as a toddler.  oh boy!

1 comment:

Johanna said...

One thing I feel about stages - they give you the hope that at some point they will end! My biggest shock was how much my teen changed - I'm worried what that means for my pre-teens!