Friday, January 14, 2011

potty training

she did it!!!  k has been potty trained for over a year now.  as you may remember, this past summer we were still struggling with #2 training.  it was a battle and a power struggle, on my side and on her side.  l.a.m.e.  

then one night, all it took was one night!,  husband knew she had a 'stinky' on it's way and he calmly insisted she stay on the toilet until it came.  after an hour (for real) it finally happened.  husband and i had tag-teamed and i was sitting with her.  it was dramatic and traumatic.  i had a flashing moment of "are we making this worse?  is this too traumatic for her?  oh crap, is she going into shock?"  for real.  it got so bad but then one second later it was so good!  she did it!  we were all so proud and had a party in the bathroom right then and there.  she got every reward we ever promised her (at that point there were about 5 things she got [candy/popsicles/toys...] or got back [all of her stuffed dolls and toys]). it was thrilling to say the least - thrilling

and it stuck!  i was worried that she might do it but then immediately fall back into the habit of not wanting to do it EVER again.  but little k is a champ!  this all happened mid-november and we were headed out of town for thanksgiving.  i wondered if she would be able to transition from going in her own house to going somewhere else, let alone being distracted by playing with cousins all day long.  would she remember to tell me when she needed to go?  yes, she would!  she even started staying dry all night long, every night.  goodbye pull-ups at night!  it was amazing!

here we are, a few months later, and we are golden.  she never has accidents, she stays dry all night (although i do take her to the bathroom once around 5:30am when i'm feeding baby b) but she is doing awesome!  way to go, k!!!

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