Monday, January 31, 2011


k has really been surprising us with her conceptual learning these days.  it's also been a lot of fun watching her imagination take over and add a whole new level to her play.  from hearing her interpretation of what a cloud looks like (look mom!  it's an elephant in the sky!) to watching her wave her corndog around, saying "ding dong!  it's time for school!" we are having fun watching her mind grow.

the most surprising concept she has mastered is grandma's relationship to mom.  husband's aunt was over a couple of weeks ago and asked k where she got a toy she was playing with.  k replied, "grandma c gave it to me."  aunt k asked, "grandma c?  who's that?"  little k simply said, "she's my mama's mom."  i couldn't believe she grasped that idea already.  i have definitely told her that's how it works, but i was totally surprised that she could internalize it and use it when someone asked.

little smartypants :)

1 comment:

Johanna said...

smartypants! made me smile! just like her mom with her "it's a figure of speech" comment!