Monday, February 21, 2011

i only looked away for one second!

famous last words, right?  don't worry now, it's not like b was in the bathtub and we had a serious problem on our hands.  but i did look away for one second when k was playing with her baby sister. 

k was playing with b on the floor just outside the bathroom while i was cleaning.  she was "helping" her sit up and they were both laughing.  as i turned to wipe up the floor, i suddenly heard screams from b.  not just the i'm annoyed screams, the i'm really hurt screams.  you know the difference when you hear it.  in the same instant b was screaming, k was immediately saying, "i'm sorry!  i'm sorry!" 

i quickly turned around to find b's head crammed against the base of a shelving unit outside the bathroom door.  i can only guess that k was helping her sit up and b's weight plummeted her toward the furniture.  i instantly scooped b up in my arms, kissing her poor forehead and trying my best to calm her. k started screaming along with her baby sister and, after a few seconds, took off running toward her bedroom.  i guess i shouldn't be surprised, but i find it interesting that k knew right away that something serious just happened, that she felt horrible, and that she was probably in trouble. 

after i got b to relax, we went to the girls' room to find k.  she was still crying.  it kind of broke my heart.  instead of getting angry and laying into her about how she hurt her baby sister, i realized it really was an accident and it quite scared little k.  i talked to her, loved her better, and helped her apologize and kiss better baby b

obviously i know you can't turn away for a second and you can't leave a toddler to watch an infant.  thanks to some vitamin e and some mommy kisses, her scrapes are all better now!


Dave said...

Thanks Erin! This reminds me that I need to keep my cool more often. Mylee is really good at saying sorry but she usually does things to Ester on purpose and she has seen plenty of the mean momma bear come out on those occasions. But I'm probably not setting a great example getting all fierce on her...

The Stephanator said...

Well, you probably realized that Dave didn't actually leave that comment... haha sorry! I was signed into the wrong account